The background to the development of Glo1 inducer was over 30 years of study of the physiological formation and metabolism of methylglyoxal (MG) and its reactions with other physiological molecules – particularly proteins. MG had long been known to be a potent modifier of proteins but, only through pioneering studies by Glocentrica directors, did the chemical nature of the modifications or adducts become clear. A robust and reliable method of adduct measurement was required. The method chosen was a technique called “stable isotope dilution analysis liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)”. This technique has high specificity, sensitivity and precision. The team pioneered synthesis of analytical standards and developed and deployed the technique for quantitation of MG-derived protein adducts, hydroimidazolone MG-H1, Nε(1-carboxyethyl)lysine (CEL) and others. The technique was developed to concurrently quantify over 20 protein glycation, oxidation and nitration adducts and the related 21 physiological amino acid precursors. The technique we call “AGEomics”

Our Director Led The Development and Applications of AGEomics

Professors Naila Rabbani and Paul Thornalley have career-long experience and expertise in AGEomics, leading its optimization and application to investigation of aging, disorders and disease including:

Alzheimer’s disease
Cardiovascular disease
Parkinson’s disease
Renal disease

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AGEomics technique